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Twitch Ultra Viewer 2015 22: What You Need to Know About This Amazing Tool


Each month, we publish a new ranking of the top games on Twitch on this page. Make sure you bookmark it and come back next month to discover to see if there are any changes to the top twitch game channels ranking! If you also want to see the top games channels/streamers on Twitch this month by viewership, be sure our Most Watched Twitch Streamers ranking.

twitch ultra viewer 2015 22

Following the Californian publisher's channel, MTG owned esl_csgo and dreamhackcs are channels produced by old school esports-focused organizations: ESL (company name: Turtle Entertainment) from Cologne, Germany and Dreamhack, based out of Stockholm in Sweden, which basically have consistantly been running the biggest gaming leagues and esports events in the West for the past 15 years and even more for ESL. And they're still around! And that means a lot: surviving as an esports-focused company between the late 1990's and 2010 required a lot of passion, or insanity, but also a very-focused and down-to-earth drive for success and sustainability. With MLG now ran by Activision, the latest of the esports dinosaurs to fall, ESL and Dreamhack can be looked at as survivor organizations which developed extremely rare skills and infrastructure that now allow them to run top quality esports events anywhere in the West, and even in Asia to some extent. All of their live viewership is coming from these events, and as the channel names show in the scoreboard, they had the biggest success showing Counter-Strile: Global Offensive in 2015.

Top CSGO events happen to generate the highest viewership peaks on Twitch, they're like little Super Bowl's. Last August, the esl_csgo channel recorded 23M Hours Watched, that's 32% of its yearly total, over the 4 days of their ESL One Cologne tournament, the biggest CSGO event to date. According to Gamoloco records it's also during this event, precisely on August 23rd 2015 at 21:11 CEST, that Twitch reached its highest viewership peak so far at 2 104 706 viewers. But it's not only ESL One that took Twitch so high: at that very same time, the riotgames channel was broadcasting the North American LCS Finals, one of the most hyped League of Legends matches of the whole year.

It's about performing in solo games, finishing them as fast as possible, which is called "speedrunning". gamesdonequick's events are week-long festivals dedicated to speedrunning during which the best speedrunners out there play their speed of light performances as Link, Mario or Kratos while commentating at the same time... with talent and a lot of heart for those I could listen to. All the while the speedrunning is going, gamesdonequick gathers donations from viewers. In 2015, they raised $2.8M in donations for the Prevent Cancer Foundation and Doctors Without Borders throug their broadcasts.


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