II10 THE VASinSRT ARHI AllINfl GTO FON > 1 TIMES flIES FRIDAY FRII Y DECEMBER 19 1 9 1902PRICE CHANGE H SMALL SMALLON S SMALLONI PRICEOON ACTIVE T MARKET EIIrregularity in Cpmparison CpmparisonWith COmparisonWith CpmparisonWAthWith Last Nights Final FinalFigures FinalFiguresAmerican FinalFiguresAmericanFigures FiguresAmerican American Stocks StocksAdvance StocksAd StocksAdvanceAdvance Ad vance in n London LondonTrading LondonTrading LondonTradingTrading Dominated by Re Relief Relief Relief lief Regarding Regard iog Money MoneyStricture ft MoneyStricture oney oneyStrictureStricture and Peace Pros Prospects Prospects Prospcts pects in Venezuela VenezuelaNNKW N EW I W YORK yoax Dec ItTben There wore no noiurthr DOlurthr o ourthriurthr urthr addlUoaa IB tbe way of infor information taforiIil mation 71 iIil r ion un to Abe several eeT factor which wbLc wbLcb have havefo Jaaftb1fo b1 Bitur lmt time in tain thi morning i new newHi aews aewsThHi 1 i stock market opened txeoodlngly txeoodlnglytnI It tn i 11 iv I V but it showed stnafl mall and irregu irregulir lrrca1r trru1ilir 1i r price > change In comparison with withj wttnililbts withightsj nights final ftgnrea There waa w waaV aa aaabftcnee aaii 1 r abftcnee a of new aewa overnight with withtin wltJaLIJ withntin n > rating tal tug upon particular nocks atocaflltricaD StOCksmricafl nockstnTicantnTican stock were shown bowD at t sharp abarpini sharpI p1 oJ ini I d ill fli5 tt in tbe London market ket and aad afl aa ua ast1 a ln IlIen en the caae for 110 sorn ome time there tberavas lbe lbeas thereavas as a a i strong trou disposition there to follow followiin fonowtlliin tll tV > load set by tbe New York market marketProudly marketI market1radlyProudly I rtllidly speaking the trading was waatinriiinated w wl waszJnnn1dtinriiinated l by b tbe sense 11M of relief felt feltthi fUtthi t h ja I 111 tlii h i month have been averted rt by the tbej theV theeetSj V > joct ipcts eetS of a pacific settlemeat of ofnzuelan tbe tbeVn tMlpzuelDVn lpzuelD zuelan controversy coutroTe aad d by a gen general pIt6T gsaoral oral 6T t1 dation through which the market ha haI fIat ham hamSI a AS s has been tbe ease throughout the thenn UHtpk thewnn w pk v the market was featureless fMt1ln lass laasrmi lassIrmi I II 11 as price m0vemaaia ftJDCIIia were fairly fairlyuniform fakbtuniform t II j f frm nfl ant wore wet governed by 1t7n common coisasodratIofl commonnitrationFollowing 1olowln were UM stock 8tockuat quotations at atI1 I ni niA0 Rip H1t Low 1 PX PXL PMItisrA I L i rnor rnorJVni 67 W 6 W 51Im STA W 57SugaJVni SUP SUKHIAtchigon I 124 It6 1M 114 12 114 114AtlhisOD 124Alh1800 Ohio Ohiotrol 11 98 9j 91 91Irllnl 973r3r trol Rap R Tr TrChe 54 It It 14 14t 14Cht Ch Che h i Ohio OhioM M 47 474 4 4C 47 47m 47L 47VV Krk r l 33 3 34 W W4 34 M1X3 34l 34Ish1fll A Hash Hasht Ish1fl 1X3 1X4 1X3 ml 1X 1JI 1JIhattD >7 t MM rL hi St St Ry RyMo 13 I 140 13 t 139 1 1U u 141 141iMo 10 i i PRO v vN U 1 It8 104 14 1415J IM16 IM16Y 114iN V Cent CentNT CeDt1U 15J 153 1U Itt Ittn I IroL 12rNT r k t West Westri n 71 n n nIMfc 71ari a it R RJiixk RI54 IMfc 156 1M 1M1Aa1M 1M1Aa1MRlIPI1 14 14nRlIPI1 n 1114 ay 12 > 11 Jiixk Ho u k Island IslandJin M 41 414 tt III 40 40n 4OkJin l k J iihParlIe > lib IIh Pacific Pacificr a a 82 t a an aIIh 57ihIIh r Rail RatlTinnii n st 31 311i 31 319t 21PaelficTinnii 11111 Pacific PacificTni 9t M 18 18tnion t tM 98 98rnunPaclfrpfTni tnion rnunPaclfrpf n Pul Pacific pf pfs M W 2 M 2 W tIi 92Ii s Leather LPat 12 12 124 12 121 Steel SteelSt tHIItAt 34 34 34 34 342A1 = St Steel l pf pfVr 84 4 84 83 83 Un 831nTeIVr Vfsicrn WASHINGTON WASHINGTONSTOCK STOCK MARKET MARKETSales MARKETahsCapital MARKETsasCsptaISales ahsCapital Capital Traction 4S 4 S1M09 S1M09tionoiilOTU 1 1i 1NOOV7V7 i tionoiilOTU I1olVI lO United State 9tatea1loli Va 4 41071451 1loli niliifr 1074 107t Potomac Insurance Com Comi1 W nL V 4 41fl63 63 Morarenthaler Mr > rentbaler 406 tOfi17S 178 100 100i IS ISj7i > 4 70fli7R 7f1 J7 Lanstoa 45 4 4S4110 > 10 Qrapb QrapbrIinp 0nIpIarihul1r l3rspbiThhoflPrIinp > common 50f5i O5 Greene Cop CopJT CoprJT r I 100 1 1O OOl 20 r 10 0 After call calliriphoph eal ealCaphllpberw callommoniriphoph Caphllpberw n 7 Jakf ake ak and Potomac Telephone 5s 2000 2000fc 2 2r 2980Grner fc Onftie Copper opper 100OS4T 1J4 1000J 1000JM 1 1buyr 109 109buyerM r 60 601 Washington Gas GasJn OaaJ Gas1IVJn J 1IV 7 71 i 5fHfi7 tHVl74 a 4 1T64 101l 101lKAIIJtOAD IUI34KALJIOAD 1T64RAILROADRAILROAD BOKOtV BOKOtVBid 0 90X5Bid Athrt AthrtT AIIWCaCa ii ial al T Tracti TTSCt1n m It H 1L 4 cIt 4e1t 9 NMH III IIIt r1t t lL n a 1 1115 25 l H Vi ViTi III IIIII 1 R Ti rt imVbteanaa i A W7 W7Vt HI HIIVt I K H Ort Cti t in Inlbt tn4ebldWi rt 6t 6tVasf a 10 10tiret > 1 1JotVasf Jot Street trfft lii Ihi3Y rar C 4s 7 73 w wMISCELLANEOUS 81KI SIM1SCELLAEOV8MISCELLANEOUS KI ELLAiE0t71 ELLAiE0t71W BOKHS BOKHSWji ll llWjiWji W i Caa u Ou C err A A 6 laIf igc2 114 117 117V IIV 1 uh 1 h Gas Ga Co C sv tr or B 68 0 6 ISWtJ H HT Itr Ith 1i4 1i4IT r Elet LitHt Li Ueb 1 1t 19 1ISI = III lIf lIfIt r KW 1 xht t Ort bwleai 104H 2I4 2I4h 1 7 7hVs ii Mirk ark r t Co C J lat 1 6 r s MM MMUll asii1Ull V t J il I 3i 1W47yE 3iiYtl >nvm iYtl rtired UNCI aawaOy aawaOyf ahnj sasal sasal11a1f hnj n liar n I AM 4 n ji C CA I is isA l liiA ii i r f3 TUI i an oiuphiphwne 01 i WF re rKPu I 1EIU1T EPorr tiT AND TItUS srooxs srooxsHa mooxsIHa 1 I 1 Sat Hpu Iv0e6t t isI V bIKtfl Kln an aad Tl Tiest t t 0 0AI 11I1 11I1Ar 52 52neuft7is47l2itIiAI in 11 neuft7is47l2itIi > urity and Trait MS III IIIt VPI1 1 T Trust and fltot m0 107 107V if 1 101 101x 598iiniV x Mvinirs RAMJbDAD aTOOKS aTOOKSCC C 1 Traction Tra I IW JDli It llC1 5 iKh 10 itirrt tJ tivt ay a at atV 54 cc cclr V ir tree e By 7 eani 5 10 10NATKniAt II IISA 18NA1MALNATKniAt SA 1IOJI BAKft 2AX WPORS WPORSBai DCtISn PfOOltflVflBai n ll d 1 HaJuagto HaJuagtof W tSS 8Th CII CIIr 411aa t f r r itaII iUB 12 1 2 US USr USzd v a at4 Mr M Mt 25It 11 11t r Lt 1tf 1 1 1t 198 198flwgt I 1 flwg tf tfWl 11 11dId 197IJIdId Wl Wl4d 11r IJI14dr Lud 4d Wt 14 14r HO HOMO 9MO r P98ri 1 I n I 183 L Li Ja1 M 1ft M I IIIl 10asaeac I IJrasaeac asaeacIrl Ir nn rn2S 98 98IrJr 1 r in 10 10YJhtaa 98> YJhtaa > injJjU jJjU jJjUwr 1It 1 1v 7r11 11J 11Awr v r all fl1 a 9A n If IfI 984 I V lit litI41tfliO I t Tit Tita r I Il1 1J f Titf l 18 18JJ 8 8J p> a OH T Tr ffjnw 7nervL1r u fjnw nervL1l eixui 4 4tt 1 1 0 0irruc tats tatsr 9844flTLIirruc tnoiuMM Wwk Wwk2rV ovocn ovocnvr 2rV l 1 Title TitUVanetoa tM 4 4net 4itwtVanetoa itwt net JD LLIUOlUt > Ll HUME AID QttAriMPMKX Ul1APNO8Ifsl gITXXS gITXXSCaucML4tC We und sl sas Jt 4 4r4 4t 4tr1 r4 r r UMahophna Ii5PPO95 M Mi 6GJ ej ejtJ t i a r Oipaopawae Rid f fOA tcua 9 9oaOA cua cuaton oazton flrTOOaaV flrTOOaaVVV ruton ton rs e ZJf 73 t 1 1r 11 1111 98TYPPITTPB TTPBrrnthaj TYP XACIIID BOOII BOOIIY as asiY > i rrnthaj iJnotypt I I70 I70I 1 an 175ItI 11 n i Mga H HMlk1UAJf1lOC Mmtyp trpe pq pqL5OU1 TtS TtSMIUMIU Mlk1UAJf1lOC axumiout L5OU1 > avocn avocnCrc IIOCarr roct roctCVCrc CV rr Coppr C 1Ir Vamrton 1 iCfl to Maraat 1Ih M Mur K1r 31k1r > ur J Miurr urJ Dev O c 114THE 114TH 114 114THETHE TH JOKS OK O JHH4MLJT JHH4MLJTro X1MaKLJ2nII XTZW7non2nII Ne Nee eefH11DeDro e C i fH11DeD > i lawa of tbe bull la I to be berr I J t rs nr f Irish surKOon Kur and at exproaldent exproaldentrf Itftt Itfttrrf I r t ho p Col Col1 CoII4 of Sargeoas la Ireland Irelandmade hlaD4JJ made U i In i be course COIIJMof of a speech speechC epseckihord ebIIC II ihord Kor rod d at a the th raeeUac of tbe Solid BollcitT Sollcltr SolidtItT Apprentice ppvitir Debating DeIIat Society In In1ui In111111I inI1ui 111111I I ut ini in Th Till t of the tit address addr addril was waail wasiiil Rbviii Rhj Sir Tboma Tbe paid paidhoI a at atribuhoI t trlhul rllrti to fh the force fore of character characterjirit charactisf1 tint or 1 i1rnonal rnnel oDIII Independence Indfpea aee and andiiiomltahli aad1 iiiomltahli courago uragp ut lr 1 f ftun T tfl thi lh British Xm Bnipire aa upeu hey bavriinjrr heyYVYV peu riinjrr rnlr at taM Urn U Urns of UM11 1 var Hr Ji iar4 anl t > M I ad with Hk bar arms folded foldedaH foldedraH fr rr r t t tds do te bs bor fMoketar r When Whenrraiue Whenl11 l rraiue rtn II from fbi attUiali ed t his 1 au audl uI asdhdl dh I l Wt Wtthn w t 4 lie bed dese lie lieUI ehesrad ehesradttthn tt IIH iM J II c jy aawtaajr S was daM daMJa ba was wassuJa J JII8bW5L rl8bIN THE FINANCIAL WORLD WORLDPrice WORLDPrJeea WORLDPricesPrice closed at the top yesterday yesterdaypresumably ye yesterdaypresumably torday tordaypreaupresumably preau Jy due to 0 th the prospect JMOIIIHt t of o a agood ax agoodx good od bank statement which fright frightened rrta rrtktesed t teel ened eel the short interest to e cover eIeISIaotahi coverShould rer rerSbouMShould these price hold during the thereat theoC therestrest oC the week It IE fair ir to assume assumeWall assumeWall u1 Wall Street has start tart to anticipate anticipatethe anticipatethei the January rIM la prlci pri i vhlch is I sura suraHewerw Hr8i sorstoi to C4NDe Hewerw nO fUf tli t laovemeat eo to toilltimed I II IsIlltheedilltimed and it ta doubtiul It It will 1 bo bopermitted beperUted hoperMIttedI permitted te gala any great eat atomaatun atomaatunMoney 1IHHH8IItUMOM meeseatomMosyMoney MOM a os call was easy between betw 4 ADd aadf ADdI sadIf per cent MRt and today tMa ft wa wu advanced advancedtoIto 5 per cent centIt ceIILIt centItIt ia rumored that the dividend allYWeIMINew OB OBNew onNewNew York Central will be Increased and andthat aDdtbat andthatthat th t the dividend dtnde on Delaware and Hud Hudson H Hadson cIson wilt be cut to fi p per r c cent L It IB IBprobable I Iprobable Isprutisbiprobable no cbaaa cb0535 will be made la laeither laelUter Ineithereither eitherThere eitherThereelUterTItenThere is I every Indleatioa the bank bankstatement beaktateaMDt baskstatementstatement tomorrow will be muck more morefavorable JftOI8fTorable morefavorablefavorable than tb It baa been for fortfme some sometime sometimetime The Tb banks have ye lost to the sub subtreasury subtreuurJ subtreasurytreasury IC38000 as against PS040M 1501 la lathe Inthe Iathethe same IDe time last week Besides all allof aUof allofof the heavy bea liquidation of lakt week oeek was wasnot WAfDot wasnotnot apparent rent In the last bank statement statementbut statementbut tatenteDtbutbut will be reflected by the one to be bemade bemade bemademade public ubflc tomorrow tomorrowAn tomorrowAn tomorrowAnAn Increase of M cents Cflnt a ton on a pur purposed purpoeM purposed posed output of 60000000 000000 tons of coal coalwhich coalwilicla coalwhichwhich the coal companies compaal purpose to tomaintain tomalDtln tomaintaInmaintain during the yeaY IMS 1 means meansproii 811 a aprolt a apiproii pi 024 of 34000000 38 This TIll sum one of ofthe oftile ofthethe operators tors modestly stated will ba bauAcJont b8n8k1eDt besa0uAcJont sa0 leut to recoup all losses I swtalMd swtalMdby netaJnedtbe snetalnedbyby the companies a incident to the strike strikeThe strikeThe trlkeTheThe break of 15 potato t In I foreign ex exchange oxud axehange change and the probable ble increased I ship shipment shipmeat lp lpt meat t of grain abroad remove nnao all dan danger da da3ft denSec Sec for the present of gold being to Europe KuropeItIt to reported the U threatened thrt strike of offtOMftOM 8 employes pht In the works of the Gen General Oneral Innoral eral Blectric eetrlc at Sebeinectady Seb Schenectady etad will be beaverted beaertecl beavertedaverted today and that Utting UtUa over overwhom oYerwlt overwhomwhom wlt aa the contest is being bel made will be beleinatated belelutated bezelnatatedleinatated lie was w dismissed because becauseof becameofof his absence from work for nine days daysduring da7 daysduringduring dart which time he organised a labor laborunloa laborulo laborunionunion ulo ta the companys COIDD works at Lynn LynaArgument L LMaa LynnMassMass MassArgumentArgument In the case of the U Western WesternUnion WMteraUDloa WesternUnionUnion against the Pennsylvania Railroad Railroadwas RallnMIdeoDela JIIS1IrOS4waswas concluded d yesterday The Western WesternUnion WternU WesternUnionUnion U seeks 0 to permanently enjoin the thePmunylraaia tbePfInB1IJHta theFnnnsylysalaPmunylraaia from removing its tele telegraph tale talerapb telegraph graph poles sad Dd lines II along aloD the right of ofway oCway ofwayway of the railroad on the around Dd that thatthe thattbe thatthethe railroad Is a post road and that thatunder thatuad thatunderunder toe thellaee lines I could not be removed so 110tbe long longas longasas the Western Union continued coatlD is carryGovernment messagec iIM The esae will willultimately wmaltbDatel willultimatelyultimately reach the Supreme lape Court of ofthe olUte ofthethe United Uat States StatesSuggestions Stat Statsu StatesSasgestlonsSuggestions su ttou are re being b4t1 beln made aied that the thestock t tatGek thestockstock of Colrrcdo Fuel and Iron Is I sell selling selllag li lilac lag at too low a price and It there therewere thereWfTe therewerewere any D7 thin tatllK in the reports made madepublic madepablle madepublicpublic some time ago as to the business businessof hasl haslofof that company eoaapa these suggestions are areworthy arewertJlr areworthyworthy of 1 consideration tlOD In the recent recentbreak recntIInak recentbreakbreak the stock at k soW at t 73 and when whenIt wheaIt whenItIt was selling 11q at t 11 no John W OaU OaUpredicted Gates OaWMipredlettd Gatespredictedpredicted It would sell at 1M Since that thattime t att thattiactime t or s thereabouts Mr 4r Gates OaL dis disposed dlspeee4 ii iiposed posed of his holdings At least ho does doesnot doeDOt doesnotnot now appear as a factor in Its man management maDa maDTIle menasisen a asisen asisenThe agement agementTheThe congestion eGIIp loa of traSte on trunk lines linesta IlDeIIUDpreeMellteei linesIsta unprecedented lid consignees ag are arcmuch areflxenlMcl aremmclimuch exercised over the daisy Ia la re receiving re reeeh1 receiviag ceiving eeh1 their goods Perhaps P the great greati greatpet eat eateati eat congestion was at PtUaborx PI on the thePennsylvania tMhDD87lyaala thePennsylvaniaPennsylvania but to a certain extent extentthat exteattat extantthatthat clog In t transportation was remov removed rfllDOYeel removed ed last Sunday 1Juada when hundreds of men menwere JDtIIwere menwerewere pressed into service to aid Id In get getting gettill getting ting Paul lined the congestion Is almost allllOetsreat as asgreat i igreatgreat and the tonnage carried Is I greater greaterthan KJeAtertbaa greatertheathan ever before There Is I a car short shorti phortale bort bortei age and locomotives 1oeoMIot1 cannot be pro precnred pronred proearedeared to move even the cars that thatnad are areready arereadynad ready to be handled od This eowMUon eoII4Ittl ll of ofaffair efalbln ofslaiiaffair s does not bear out the prediction predictionofof Mr Hill a and 1Id d others that the tide of ofprosperity ofprpertt7 ofprosperityprosperity baa changed changedThe chanpedThe ed edTIleThe home demand for steel tMI rails ral and andlocomotives aDd1ocoIDot1 cmllocomotivelocomotives 1ocoIDot1 is I so great that German and andScotch aDelBeotcla andScotchScotch firms tlrm are obtaining contracts In InCanada 10Caa4 InCanadaCanada This is looked upon as an 11 In Invasion IDIOD invaaion vasion IOD of domestic territory but as a amatter aUer zpmattermatter Uer of fact d this tIll is not the case The TheStee TheItoeJ TheSteejStee ItoeJ Corporation baa orders ahead for fora Cor7ear foraa year and nd refused to enter Into a con contract contnet contract tract to deliver rails wftbln the time timeapeclSed timeapeelled timespeelledapeclSed by b the Canadian CDIId1 Company Com The TheI Tb TbAIMI1eaa TheAiserleasI American Locomotive Company Coat has or orders ordeft ordcis deft ahead for 2800 2 locomotives and andcould andcould andeoldcould not fill SI the contract for the Ca Canadian CaPaeilic Caashen ashen Pacific before 1M4 The increase increasetata earnings for six Ix months of the Amer American ArIcaD Americon icon Locomotive Company COM paD over the tla pre previous preIs prestove stove six Is months tba I III ii about bout IotnOIO SOMOM Its Itaplant It Itplalat Itsplantplant 1 to be considerably enlarged enlarged8CHWAB eolarKedSCHWAB enlargedSCHYIAB8CHWAB MAY RETIRE RETIREFROM RETIREFROM RETIREFROMSTEELFROM FROMSTEEL STEEL TRUST TRUSTRpart TRUSTRepIrt TRUSTRI98tRpart That Prick Will Succeed Him HimM Himu HimasM President of tb tM Combine CombineNKW ComWneNKW CombineNMWNKW YORK D nc c 1tHINHY Hanry day dayFrtdt ClayJIteIt CisyPrickPrick to te aaeoesd MBoad Cawrl charles a M Seawab Seawabaa Iokwbprwldelltaa a pr president td at of to the steel 1 trust In Jan January Jaary Jansory uary aceordtac to a r rn rt Ia Wall WallStreet WallItnet WallStreetStreet StreetIt ItnetIt StreetItIt Is aaid thai tM tWa to a part t of f tb tbprtM t tprke the thepeteeprtM UM tryai paid Mr FrieJc for his in intnraat lacret infewestfewest la UM Unto U Union MM Oompaay Just Juatporcbaacd JuetL JuetMeNt JustAsoiporcbaacd porcbaacdAawchar LAawchar Asoi secret of UM Ira trust was laid laidbare laid1UUDe1 laidbarebare naaa 1UUDe1 namely ly that UM Mnonawu blacks bwchof Itlodfit blacksofof Steel 1 stock that have JIa y b Mea n sold old ad ta the tJtefewlast few month came from non nose oUr otbertbaa oUrtIau ocherthanthan President Pre deat Schwab who ba au L been lJeenhis beenesavertlag en encoco esavertlag T rtliMi his hi stocks Into eMIt caahIt eMItIt cashitIt to I aid that b he dislikes dlalfk UM IItreatlOUB IItreatlOUBIUe strenuosjlife tr nuotu nuotulifelife the preI presIdency tattoa ta lid that be plan to live Uy the rt rtof rttator restofof hto hi day daTa ia flUe and juxury The at attempt attempt t tteIDpt tempt made oa hi his life at 71 Broadway BrOIIdwa BrOIIdwaar a ayear ayearyear ar ace to atoo aid to bare ba made Mm Mmwilltac aImwtll himwillingwilling wtll to quit the blah oOee oOeeINDUSTRIAL eeIHDUSTRIAL otheeINDUSTRIALINDUSTRIAL SCHOOL CHANGES CHANGESHaldab CHANGESIfaldal CHANGEShleldakHaldab W Uiackford aecrotaiT of the theboard theboanI theboardboard of trustees of UM Industrial Home HOOMSchool H H8ebool HomeSchoolSchool baa Informed the Diatriet Com Commtoaionara Co Com Cemmiaioorsmtoaionara m that W C Skinner of Dobbs DobbaFerry Dob DobM DobbsFerryFerry K Y baa beea elected onpw onpwintendont ftfIDteD41t p pintendest Droit Park ParkEU Ella Adam A to Charles CbarleA CltarleaAA QUaIL lot 29 block IS UPark 10 10Park 11ParkPark View Terrace T TerraceThomas Thomas B Wagg Waggamaa Waget Waggamenamen et ux to Winifred M Sharkey SharkeyIota bartle bartleJot SharkeylotsIota Jot 1 to 9 block 8 10 10Lanler 10Lanl 10LanlerLanler Lanl Height UellltaAJeblbal4 Archibald M Me MeLaehien MrLaeIaIeR Mctacklestackles et ux to Wlllam wnla H Sbotos SIto tot JotIiIi 3100 3100Ninth 100 100Ninth 100NtatbNinth and nd F P Streets southwest IIODtinrJ IIODtinrJHarrlltOD sontkwestJHarrison J JHarrisonHarrison Johnson et ux to Louis A AJohnson AJoIaDIIOD AJohnsonJohnson half Interest In tots lot 2S to 28 21aquare 2 2square 28quaresquare 412 IJ IJadiJaoa SW SWMadison 10 10MadlaonMadison adiJaoa Street northwest between betweenSeventeenth 1Ietw 1IetwneDteentb betweenSeventeenthSeventeenth and Eighteenth Street StreetOilier StreeUDiller StreetsDillonOilier B Oroff to John T Arms tot 29T 29Tsquare It It1M 297squaresquare 150 15 nO nOo 10 10OO Street northwest between First and andThird udThird andThirdThird Street 8treetLeoaard Leonard C Bailey et ux uxto ut axtoto t David Moore tot lotS 70 7 1 to 79 square 1IQUn5P563 310 310Fifteenth 10 10Fifteenth 10PltteatbFifteenth Street outbet between tw D Dand Dad Dsodand ad B Streets BtrefttIIIM Same to same me tot Iota 28 2 to to4G40 square aqua 107b S10 S10Mill 10 10Mill 0 0MillMill and nd West Streets 8treotlltlaIM tome to toIota same samelot ssaslotslot Iota 5 to 8 in BeaMs Jl4 1 Addition AMatto AMattoOeorgetowD to toGeorgetown tolcoigstowuGeorgetown f1 f1Nlneteentb 10 10Nineteenth 10NineteenthNineteenth Street northwest between betweenK t tXK and L I Streeta tIMtlame Same to same original originallot ortpaaIlot originallotlot 19 square 85 5 110 110MARRIAGE 118MARRIAGE l0 l0IARRIAGMARRIAGE IARRIAG LIOMSKS ISSUED ISSUEDHolcombe JUUGHolcombe LUUtDHolcombeHolcombe G Johnson an aa c LUIIaa LUIIaaClaughtoo LIII LIIIclaatoa WI1nClaughtosClaughtoo ClaughtooCharles claatoaClaar ClaughtosCharlesCharles Claar 8 Myers M and Mary a1T J Been Brenner BreaWIlliam Beennor nor nerWilliamWilliam Davi Davis and hattie TaylorArthur Taylor TaylorArthur r rArthurArthur O Shelton and Annie E Bob Boblayer BobI Boblayer1layerJoe layer layerJosephI Joseph J Joe A Wright Wrt and Harriet U L Pax Paxsoo Paxbotla Pazsonson both of Loudoun euaGeorp LoudoanGeorge LoudounGeorgeGeorge T Nelson and Sarah Harrison HarrisonAlfred H1It8oeAltftd HarrisonAlfredAlfred Bowling and Nancy Her Tol Tolllftr TolllftrW liver liverWW B Klrttoy and Ullie Lilli N Brown Brownboth BrowabotIa Brownbothboth of Mea Va VsJoseph VaJoeepItA VaJosephJoseph JoeepItA A Sutttvan 1ttTu and 41 Kmma ma X Xatoasu 25GlensGlens atoasuBmil 0 GlensBall0BaalBaal Lalguol and Dd Mary Mar Victoria CecilJTHREE NEW COMPANIES COMPANIESARE COMPANIESAREIARE INCORPORATED INCORPORATEDStatedStated Capital Stock Aggregates A felAtes Si SiI ir101000 rOIoooTIlUIteea I Trustees MainlyWuhi MainlyWu1tiston Mainly MainlyWashingtonWashington Wuhi ton Men MenA MeRA MenAA certMeate of the Incorporation of ofthe ofUalted ofthethe United States Industrial and Realty RealtyCompany JtltyCoMpaa RealtyCompanyCompany of the District of Columbia Columbiahas Cohtau Clwnbishas >has been placed on file in the office et etthe efthe ofthethe Recorder of Deeds for the District DistrictThe DistrIct DlacrftLThe DistrIctTheThe capital stock of the organizatIon O IUOD Is Isstated I Istated isstatedstated V lu be 1000000 divided Into 10000 10000share 11 11bare 10009sharesshare valued at 100 each eachThe eaellThe seekTheThe object of the corporation is I to ac acquire e 0 0quint quire 1 and operate oil and Mineral taeraJ lands landsto landstoto purchase lease and construct rail railways rallwII railways ways telegraph and telephone tel pIto e lines linescanals lineacaD linescanalscanals caD gas works wharves mills mUl ele elevators eletora olevators vators tora to purchase Pt and nd own real estate estateand estateand tate tateaDdand to construct buildings The lacer Incorporators laoorporatora lacerporatorsporators are James J A Black Abner E EAnson BAuoa EAnionAnion and Virgil M Peeks all of this thiscity thiselt7 thiscitycity George H Opdyke Thomas Has Hasaett Hutt Hasaettaett tt and nd Mortimer Joiner of New York Yorkcity Yorkelty Yorkcitycity cityieltyAi A certlneate of the incorporation of ofthe ortlte ofthethe New York ami London Lo dOR Syndicate waa waaalso NOalso we wealsoalso placed on lie The organization orpn loa it itIs ItIe ItisIs said Aid Is I formed to deal in stock and aadbonds alldbouda andbondsbonds and real and personal pen pers ual property of ofall ofall ofallall kind kinds The capital stock toek Is 1000 1000aad 1000 1000and 1000andand the privilege is I reserved to raise It Itto Itto ittoto 20100 20000000 if the incorporators desire desireto dlreto desiretoto do so The trustees are George Oeo e B BWright BWrlaht 8WrightWright Alex M Byrne and ad Clarence ClarenceDD Wright all of this tit city cityArticles cityArticlesArticles Artlel of the Incorporation of the theNewark tMNewark theNewark INewark Chrome ae Leather Tanning Com Company eomPDT Cornpany pany were also placed Ilae daceon d on record iThe iThecapital tlltecapital tThecapitalcapital stock k Is I stated to be 1 10000 and andthe aDdthe andthethe trustee are R those named for the theNew UteNew theNewNew York and Londoa Syndicate SyndicateAUCTION SJadtcateAUCTION SyndicateAUCTIONAUCTION SALES SALESTWOS SALESTHO SALES1IosTWOS J 1 OWKK ow SON 10 10TRU91DIr Aactfeawem AactfeawemTRUSTEES AscdessesTXUSTEISTRUSTEES SALE OF USDIT1DCD OXE OXEPIERCE IIFOURTH FOURTH UTERIiST IX ll lICKXUIES 4t 4tPIEa 42PIERCtPIERCE PIEa STREET KOKTHWE8T KOKTHWE8TBB By > 7 virtue at one raisin deed of trust duly dulyrecorded kslyiecordI IT ITucIrecorded in USes SS1S at folio et atq HJ OM OMof on onof ITi iof the land word of the District at CblombU CblombUaad Ctlosbiasadsad at the request ftq of the party pan thereby Mured Muredwe eqed eqed5ewe the uodeiaiaatd trustee truItfts will ill tell at jJhblic jJhblicauction 1bblk 1bblkauction blle blleaudionauction ia float at the prnniM an FRIDAY FRIDAYDECEMAE8 FRIDATDECEXIIEa FRIDAYDECEIIJEKDECEMAE8 tt II 1MB at 4J 4 30 OCLOCK P X Xan Xall 11anan undivided flowfourth tatereat ia the lollow lollowhtf Iollowingibacribed 0110 0110Jqdeacrihtf Jqdeacri ingibacribed deaeribed d rat eatat W ultuat lying and be bein W Will belegin ill in the city tY of WMDJagtoo Diatrict of Co Columbia Co Cotile Columbis lumbia and BBOWB knows a part of lot numbered numberedthirteen numberedthirtees= ==thirteen in the SHbdMaioa dtvloe of lou 1 1ODe numbered numbrNdone numberedoDeODe two two tires t tour lee and twentylour la laaqnare iRDbInd inelmaqnare elm numbered six hiiiMln il and twenty the thema theII1DIe thesonII1DIe son ma froatia be Wi nil eveatea feet on Pieroe Street Streetnorthwest streftraortlt1ft Otreetszortbwesnorthwest and manias thence nouth with Ith that thatuniform thatunifoernuniform width one hundred and thirtynix thirtJ bet taetama teetto betrnnama and oaehatt teeaa to a wide ide public al alrenaa ale aleI aleeM 1 1ofIrenaa of t isle Cask to be coav COIapIIed > M with wttaBfteea wItIaIftees withIfternBfteea day from date of Mle or deport lee leelei be bekited K Kleitedkited lei and ruperly raM after Ore 8ftrittj diyV ih ihTtbiM 4 4TritlshaiTritlshai TtbiM Fifty dotaus dol ssparit required at dam tteeof tbIeJ tbIeIHOIIUI damissof iss j jTMOMACTHOMAS WAIJCER W AJD AJDaos608 fith fith4aftU4M7lt It ItromrruN ew ewTOVZTAZXromrruN PEYTOIf PEYTOIf1fIJ1B PETfOLd1L1I17194aftU4M7lt 4aftU4M7ltLEGAL 1fIJ1B 501 D It ItLEGAL M ew ewLEGALLEGAL NOTICES NOTICESSUPREME fO NOTICESSVPREM2 ICES ICESSrpUJIESUPREME COURT Of I TUB DISTRICT ntKI OF OO coLtIiBU OOLlMBIA Xl XlLUM24ALlMBIA HOLDING IIOLDL Q A PROBATE X JUNT JUNTDTATE UUMTFATE > fRT fRTESTATEESTATE FATE Or GEO W lITERS xnnsNo Drceaied DrceaiedKo DKdNoNo 11141 Admin AdminVpplicattoa AdmiftppUcatiOll Admintai AdmintaiAppliestlosVpplicattoa bering YiJl Court C of the lb District of Cshnabia ho4iag ho hoProbet hO41 a aProbate aPiobstyProbate Court C lor for probate of the Jut will tIttfflbt sad aadUfltameat sadtmtanistUfltameat of 1 aid W dreamed aad d for eII letter ta uaa uaaDWntary ti tirniiary U Ummurymmury on add hI stat by William urlAlII B Mat Mstthse Matthewthew tJana it il ordered thin Igft 1 dey a of December DetvmberAA U I 1MB UIII that notice a hi aadkerebr I hereby ia Ito em emJ m mtoto Joan J Xyen DOD eosasideM Ketieeat u uappear and Haty Vragb tougbPaz VragbcoacPaz resnt sad to an ethea coac umcenod + rafd to toappear toappearappear ia laW court oa TUESDAY TUEB A Y THY aoTH aoTHDAY lHDAY 27THDAYDAY OF JAXfARY A A D D ISiS at t M 10 OX fLtX fLtXL 4YLtICIA LOCK LOCKAA L Jfu I to thaw came ca why each b application applicationaaould applicationuW ca caIIOtaaould uW not be granted Provided this aotk aotkte DOt DOtLe antics anticstote pabliated Ibaed la the tI WaaMagton Law Lawponr K Kporter Ri Riportwporter and The Waaklagtea W wwgi Thaw once in rack rackherein eachet01 three siceesdve ft weels belees Ie return day dayaudtherein mentiaaed nuntiusedthe audt the Bntt t publication u to tonot > >not 2 leas titan thirty day baforc 10ev aid rrturn rrturnday rrt retwn7eslday day8cal7esl Attert LOCK A DENT bENT bENTaesimt DENTtaesimt of wuj i lite DIICrkt t o of t Co Colusnbia 0 0CIIrk p phisbislusnbia Clark of the IVabate Court Courtdtt99tH2 Cuurtjd CourtVIlKMEdtt99tH2 jdaCTftJEMK VIlKME COtTBT OF TUB DWBICT OT 0 CO COLUMBIA COUlBIA CoLURBIA LUMBIA HOLDING OLDL G A PROBATE COURT COURTSoKo U1M 11183 AdmhiavntiMk AdmhiavntiMkThia SdisradisThis eL eLfttaThis fc b to give Ift notice that the Mtworiber Mtworiberofof the Diatrict of CtttnvM eoabia ha he obtained from fromthe fromthethe Foliate Court of the Diatrict of Columbia Columbialetters ColumbialKten ColumbialiStenletters testamentary on the estate te of Julia JuliaHammondHammond Sea B late of UK District of Columbia ColumbiaAll C Columbisdemised hl8lbldemised All 11 penona bavins t Paflm claims r aa against againstlbs > atnat atnattnelbs daceaaed are hereby warned to exhibit the thewHh 1 1lth theseamseam wHh w lth h the row rouchen ham thereof legally au auid auto antheVbesdtheVbesd id to the aubwribtr aa or before the theT I= WY T or URTCMBKR A D 1WB J 98 othtr othtrmay tUMIwill othrrwinswill they may y by law be excluded from all allbeneat aUbisilt U Uetbeneat of laW satate satateOtvea istetsGives te teGtYGives GtY ler der my m and this lam any y of thesis DecemaVnri I IIter thesisbsIter bs MOe MOeBolIterBLJlDaVnri HAZARD K K OkUFFrnC OIUlftnJwrtII GRilPTTItFourth407 Fourth JwrtIIA Street aorthwest aorthwestWaahmxtoa eorthwstWatetisWaahmxtoa I ft ftMind C CAttestAttest A LOUIS A A DENT DETTeciater DENTatn DENTgiareciater atn of WHai for or the t DfctrkA of Co Coluaibia CohlDlbia CeIwuhisluaibia Clerk of the Probate Court CourtOBCAR Court08CAR CourtOSCAROSCAR LrCKETT Attorney ttomey del91Oa del91Oaix tWllt2JGjd tWllt2JGjdDrix jrsncrrs COURT OF ThE DISTRICT DISTIIICTOF DISTIIICTOFCOLUMBIA or orCOLUMBIA OfXLj1l8IACOLUMBIA BEFORE LEWIS I I ONEAL OKKALE ONEALEtIQ ONEALEBQEtIQ E 0 A jrSTCK OF THE PEACE SUB SUBDfiTRUT I tmtJJFtRIC Ult UltIWtRIDfiTRUT JJFtRIC T No JOHN ICKWOOD n nASDREV YLA vsADR3WASDREV A DRFW WINTER At Law NO ttK ttKA zmA 9437AA Mmnxina III in due form havta bevbg been based iaauedout wdf basedfistout of thia court to the United D State Xarahalj MSTthSL MSTthSLIsla and M for this District for f the amid defendant defendantI I Itbed the seat bering 94iind It I iwesby ordad them aid cWmBt cWmBtQ dfsadanteasesQ eases Ida hi a apssmsce 0 be MIeftd on or ortile 7 7lets Ilets tile 5711 I DAY OP JANUARY A D IVJd IVJdotherwlar JIIJJotherw 1170otherwbiotherw otherwlar the caaie wilt be proceeded with Itb as u ucaae uacue incam 1cue of uefaulttldeultLRWISLEWIS I OXKAL OXKALJ O EU EUJJ 7 P SubDtetrtct No NoRUnT Noflurry a aBUrTYRUnT a Hum Atomeya for er Plaintiff PlaintiffdeSU19 PIsiutiEdeil219 iDtUrdeSU19 deSU19SUPREME deil219IUPREME 11 111 111iUPREIlESUPREME ITOURT lOOl trr Of THE DISTRICT OK CO COUMBIA CO1tH8IA COlFMBIAUMBIA llOLDIXa A PHOHATK COURT COURTlliae COlRTNoNo 4 lliae AdmlniAratkm AdmlniAratkmThia AdmiDfiUatioitTIll tdmiitesatiomlThia TIll i it to give of ttu t th Diatriot of Colombia ha has obtained from fromthe fromthe fromthethe Probate Court of the DIstrict of Columbia Columbiaktfrr Columhiltdm Columbialetterletter tetumcntarT on the et ate te of Kbuha KbuhaLoutae KbubaLowiIe ithuhaLesbeLoutae aVaJamin Bjaml late of the District of Co Cokjuibia CoAU Celuisbiakjuibia deceased All penon bering nc cUims cUimsto cledmeacainst JabIKJutacainst Jut the ifrtessni see hereby wa to ex exhibit mabftdi a alalblt hibit the mme w with the Tonchen voeea thereof lr lrsally Ie1y Isgailysally 1y authenticated to the nbacriber ber oa or be beMte IItill belessMte less the 4TM DAY or 0 DECeMBER DE A D 1 1 1ntbenrltie 1508 1508otherwise 0 0otherwiwotherwise they the may 7 by law be excluded from fromall fait tressallall heneflt t of aid H lt ltRlftB estate estatefliers rta e elivenliven under my band this 4th day of De December DecnnlMr 11 11cembrr cember 1MZ 1MZSeal lJIOtsJ liOtSealSeal THOMAS O MJUXR MJUXRana MILLU3S1IIana P PAt M L nw nwAttest onAttestAttest At JOHN R ROUZKR ROUZKRDeputy ROUDaDeputy ROIYZERDeputyDeputy Be 2eLSte l ater ter of WOk for the DIstrict of ofColumbia ofC4tUebla ofColumbiaColumbia Clerk of the t Probate Court CourtLEONARD OtMrtLEONARD OowstLEONARDLEONARD J RATtlES Attorney Art ArtDfWUU WUUININ 8 THE SUPREME COURT Or 0 ThE ThETRiCT DIS DISTRICT DI DIftl TRICT ftl OP 0 COLUMBIA VOWBIAWIILUJ W1LUAX A HEN HENDERSON HEIICggaoJu liENSDERON DERSON ve THE UXKKOWK HEIRS HEIRSDEVrSKKS HaiRSDEvE8wggaoJu Lli = Wg H1ri H1rirocWELLDEVrSKKS OR o ALIENEES OT MARK MARKHTOCKWELL MARKwmcKwaLLHTOCKWELL JOffEPH JC PH FORREST TIM TIMOTHY TIMOTHY TIMOTHY OTHY WINNV WIBN INN GEORGE BELL BELL AND AXBBASIL AXDBASIL ANDBASILBASIL BIMK 5M En No aSH Doe 61 61ORDER 61ORDFR beORDFRORDFR OP 0J O PITBUCATIOSl PITBUCATIOSlTheThe object of this thl suit It u to quiet title to toanbloU tea toublotanbloU ublot Si and 14 t square 846 8C6 to the District Districtofof Columbia ia On motion of the tll complainant complainantaolicitor compIatItOIlcltor complainantssolicitorsolicitor Edwin C OutLast OuttOft it ta this tit 9th 9thday 61ftqf 5thdayday of November lost ordered that Mark MarkStockwetl ark ark08ockwellStockwetl 1tn Joseph Furred Timothy Winn WinnOeoTfe w wG WiaGeorgeJorhGeorge G Bell and a Bull Rim 81 or their unknown unknownheira utbaownarln ukkuownheirsheirs or deviaeea caur an thrr appearance to be beentered beWftd beenteredentered Wftd herein on or befte bek Isef the Brut rule rul day da daIt dayoccurringorrurrm occurring three moath after It the Seal publica publication publicatioa publicethin thin of thin order oni otaerwiae the earn ea cause will be beprotaosad bewith beproceededproceeded with aa in caae of default Thin Thinthree Thilte Thisorderorder Is te is publilhed pbIi ed twice a u foe foethree or oro= three o month ia 1 the WaahJagtoa Wints Law Lawtile Roporter Roporterand Stporterandand The Waaiagtoa Wndastgi ThaeaT ThaeaTny Thee Theeytbsesrtny ytbsesrt ytbsesrtL the tileA courtL A B MK JLIdIBa m Justice JusticeCooyTMt1ne CooyTMt CooyTMtJUJU 1 eoTeatt R L TOUVO Ctafc CtafcByBy di M A CLANCY CLANC Atehiutt t Cstrk 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GLOVFULL GLOVE5FULLI FULL DRK8S RBIIS PRCTECTOR PRCTECTORSMOKING PRr PRCrFOIt2SMOKING TOItS TOItSSMOKINGSMOKING JACKETS JACKETSOPERA JACKBTSOPERA JACKISTSOIERAOPERA HATS HATSSILK HATSSILK HATSSILKSILK HATS HATSDBRBYS HATSDBRB HATSDERBYSDBRBYS DBRB S AND SOFT HATS 11ATSSUSPENDERS HATSSUSPJlNDBRSt SUSPENDERS SUSPENDERSLOUNGING SUSPENDB1ISLOUNGINGt LOUNGING ROBE ROBSSCOLLARS ROSESCOLLARSCOLLARS AND CUFFS CUFFSHANDKERCHIEFS CUPPSHANDKBRCHIJl1IS CUFFSHANDKERCHIMPHANDKERCHIEFS HANDKERCHIEFSSILK HANDKBRCHIJl1ISSILK HANDKERCHIMPSILK tSILK MUFFLERS MUFFLERSFANCY MUFFLXRSFANCY MUJFFLXRSFANCYFANCY VESTS VESTSFULL VESTSFULLFULL DRESS VESTS VESTSISEM6RG VESTSEISEMANEFtsLf EISEMAN ISEM6RG ISEM6RG7th 7th and E Sts StsFINANCIAL BROS RO s sFINANCIAL I0 C S S S S C S S it C it C it S it S a aFINANCIALFINANCIAL FINANCIALTH FINANCIALTHE FINANCIALTHETH THE WASHTNGTCNlOAN WASHTNGTCNlOANAND WASHINGTON LOAN LOANAND LOANANDAND TRUST COMPANY COMPANYOFFICE COMPANYomcE COMPANYOFFICEOFFICE COR fiR AND F STS STSPAIDUP STSPAIDUP 819PAIDPAIDUP PAID UP CAPITAL ONE MILLION MILLIONLuaa fJLLlONLvalla ILIWONIoatoLuaa In any amount made on approved approvedreal approndreal approvedrealreal estate tate or collateral at t reaioaabla reaioaablaratea reatoaablercM reuouableriterite rateaInUfMt rcMhtt riteIetreatInUfMt htt IIt biaiiKea rahjfct to cheoV cheoVTW ebeokThh ChitOkThIsTW ThIs company acts U ezec uKtor istntoT tnutee agent age t tieaiurer reeU reeUtrar regbuar reLatsartsar awl I is all n other fidudary capacities eapaeitieaBtiei capacitieslhzeBtiei for r rest re t in burglar and Stipend flreproolvkulta nproolnYita Stipendsmultavkulta fer Nf site afe depotit d poalt and storage of vil viluaMe 121valole vtitmbleuaMe package packageJOHN pacUgesoI0llN psckagesJO1UJOHN JOY BDSON BD50Prnldmt PmldrotJOHN A SWOPE + Vteo V lee Pe President M it CBLUtJ SPUR SPEARSecond Second Vice PreaU President PreIIWeArANDRB PresidentANDRRW t tANDREWANDREW ANDRB PASKKR P TreararcrBRICK J 7 M06B8 KSBSAMHtaat l4O 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nTHETHE RIGGS NATIONAL BArK BArKOF Bf K KOFOF WASniNOTON D a aCAPITAL cCAPITAL C CCAPITALCAPITAL 500000 500000SURPLUS 500000SURPLUS 500000SURPLUSSURPLUS 400000 400000EXCHANGE 400000ZXClIAiGE 400000EXCHANGEEXCHANGE OX OXEXGLAXD 01EGLAm ONENGLANDENGLAND IRELAND IRELA m FRANCE AKD AKDHERMAN AWDERMANL D DOEJUlANJHERMAN OEJUlANJI OEJUlANJLEITERS ERMANL ERMANLLETTERS I ILETTERS ILETTERS OF CREDIT CREDITATAILABLK CREDITAVAILABLJI CREDITATAILtBLZATAILABLK IN ALl FOREIGN PART PABTiBANK PARTBAXK PtBT3xtxKBANK COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONSORDERS COLLECTIONSORDERS s sORDBRSORDERS FOR INVKSTJSKNT3 INVKSTJSKNT3STOCKS LVEST LVESTSTOCKS INESTIOINTSSTOCKSSTOCKS AND BONDS BONDSTHE BONDSTHE BONDSTHETHE NATIONAL SAFE DEPOSIT DEPOSITSAVINGS DEPOSITSAVltJGS DEPOSITSAVINGSSAVINGS AND TRUST TRUSTCOMPANY TRUSTCOMPANY TRUSTCOMPANYCOMPANY COMPANYCORKRR COMPANYCOIUillR COMPANYCORIIIIRCORKRR 14TH ST AND NEW lE YORK A AYE AYECAPITAL 17 17CAPITAL > TL TLCAPITALCAPITAL 1000000 1000000PaysPays Pa iaUreat oa OepodU OepodURents C IIpOiLCRests osItc osItcKuRents StIes It Inside Bonrlar BlarprGOt proof Vault VaultAefa Vallka VallkaA TaskssAdishibteetue Aefa A M sAdishibteetue AdmluiMruUx Executor ecutw Trustee lnqt etc etcAMERICAN etcAMERICAN etcAMERICANAMERICAN SECURITY SECURITYAND SECURITYAND SECURITYANDAND TRUST CO COCkpttal COtlapitalCkpttal JlttOC09 JlttOC09Sttrplas 1IOO00hrplus 1940000 1940000SurplusSurplus 1609000 1609000SAPB tIIOOfOOSAfiX 9800000SAFESAFE DEPOSIT D81O IT BOXBante BOXIIIS BOXIIISIe BOXB IOXW98kante Ie Deposit Det Boxes for rent in lose burglar bwrsiarproof burglarseoofproof seoof vault 6 per annum a and epwarom5tt pwant pwantwa pwarUwa m5tt tt C C J BELL BEl Prorideat ProrideatThe PrlllidfttThe Pti dmnt dmntTheThe Shortest Road to the Ownership Ownershipofof Property is Through Th rough the Equitable EquitableProsperity Equitableit EquitahieProsperityProsperity it today mean greater prosperity pru in inthe 1ftthe Inthethe future to those who are fartwin farseeing enough enoughtoto properly apply pply too t001 toiieya abundance abundanceAnyone abimdsnceAnyone buDdanuAnyoneAnyone who ho can n afford to spare 250 50 t5 5 910 910or 10 10r 10ror r tl5 2ta 25 a month from hia income i places it to beat beatadvantage beatadYallUi1 bestadvantageadvantage in shares of the Equitable where it itnot itnot itnotnot only onI grows cro by mrans of the monthly pay paymmtii pI1tal paymeetsmeets tal but earn 4 per cent aa well wellThe weltTill wellTheThe sums are soon large enough to buy prop JIIOPofl propret proprtyret oflEQUITABLE retEQUITABLE rty rtyEQUITABLEEQUITABLE COOPERATIVE BUILDING BUILDINGASSOCIATION BUILDlN6ASSOCIA BUILDINGASSOCIATIONASSOCIATION ASSOCIA TID N 1003 FStEqaitable F St Eqaitable Bldg BliJgJOHN BldgJOHX BldgJOHNJOHN JOY EPSON EJ X Preeidrat Preei PreeldentFRANIi Dt DtFKAXIiFRANK P I REES1DE Secretary SecretaryI S SecretarySTOCKS reta retaSTOCKSSTOCKS STOCKSII am m in a position to execute orders in InGra Stocks StocksGrain StocksGrairGrain Gra 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DiamondPIaII DiamondPearlPearl and EMUDtM Bnwclw Dir DirMaWI DiTT Diimendmend MaWI Taiqitoiat T Opal iI Emerald tmeralclJ Gar GarMt GarI GarsetMt I Pearl Ruby Sapphire e and Ame Ametkyat Ametia8t Amethysttkyat Siagm Ri Piss Pendant Studs StudsEatriap StudsXamap StudsfwiapEatriap Locketa Qumna car etc etc etcG etcGMia etcGeldandG GMia Geldand id aai Silver Watches chains Neck ITicklac N Necklaces ck1 laces lac etc etcLARGE etateAIeAloe AIeLARGE AloeLARGELARGE IRON SAFE SAP FIMZ OFFICE OFFICEFORKITTnOL OF1ICEFURNITURE OFFICEFURKITUZFORKITTnOL FURNITURE ETO KTC ZT BY y AUCTION AUCTIONTHIS AUCTIONTmS AUCTIONThISTHIS SALB PMSHtTS AK IX XRA rRA RAORDIKARY OPPORTUNITY OP UdL X TO TOSSCTJRE TOSEC1J1Ut TOSECURESECURE HAHT BAB EANDSOMI > SOlfK XMAS ZXASPJtESEWTE XXASPRKSJDrTS XMASPRSE25TSPJtESEWTE PJtESEWTEylay a y virtue of an order pened LI nan i ia the Suprtna SujrmCourtCourt of the District Di rict of Colombia C > c cruplQruptcy cams of Ovine Brothel oa S Ni 257 257UBderatrned 25 25tnaltte > c ctadetilinedUBderatrned trades will aril by br public au au1 auwithin n nwithin fltftiDwithin tftiD the salenwa 1aI of James J W Ratilfi RatilfiNo KaIILrNo Rat LtV LtVNo C deem deemIMS DUnli190SEuED Therm1905SEALEDIMS 190SEuED SEALED PROPOSALS will te rvK rvKthia Itthia re reohbodicenetiltoOIdiCKPMcththia ohbodicenetiltoOIdiCKPMcth oaVe until tiI t OCLOCK P M ori 1 tli tilt i iDAY 11 lT lTDAY H HDAYDAY OF JANUARY 1MB 111III and than ulpll1nl t ipemi ipemithe lpeiiiithe r rthethe ronatroction except ptanahani ant antchanical aolchanical 11 11eIteaica11chanical eIteaica11 eajaiajiiQ of the Phyateal ibora iboraNational Iborav Iboravt abor aborHatlessNational t Bareaa of 8adrd tIanJa Wad WlI1ia u uC nsc nscC II II IICC Ia ecordaace with the drrnwia chwm ibnwi and andcoale andeo j jofcoale eo of 8 which iI aaav may be I ad adedna d = t tJAMJn I IJAJIaedna JAMJn JAJIa KNOX TAVf T4ft r jUitHrl jUitHrlArchitect kJ1rjJrd tii tiiArchitectJrd Architect tect duL44 UVillJ JlJ1li4 i hJ4
Samsung Galaxy S10 Lite and Note 10 Lite could both land in December