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Oblivion Carry Weight Mod: Carry More Loot Without Sacrificing Your Strength


This changes the carrying capacity to 65,535 x Strength. I think that should be enough... Just put the .esp in your data folder. This is most likely a cheat unless you\'re playing your 2nd time thru and don\'t want to spend 1/4 the game lugging around loot to sell.

Is there a no weight cheat or something similar? I realize I can cheat to raise str but thats not what i'm after. I just want to be able to carry whatever I want. Anyone know how this could be accomplished?

oblivion carry weight mod

In "Oblivion," every item your character can pick up in the world has a weight. These weights are added together to calculate your character's encumbrance. Represented by a feather icon on the character statistic screen, your encumbrance will affect your character's speed and ability to jump within the game world. Characters in "Oblivion" can carry a total weight equal to five times their "Strength" stat. Unlike in later games in the "Elder Scrolls" series, in "Oblivion" an increase in carry weight that leads to you going over your encumbrance limit will root your character to the spot, rendering them unable to move until items are dropped and the character's encumbrance falls back below the limit.

This incurs the wrath of the guards and pretty much sets your fellow mages up for NPC-related slaughter (not the Harry Potter version).Once you have gained access to the Arcane University you can harvest an unlimited supply of enchanted daggers. The NPC mages all carry a randomly enchanted dagger. Since the mages at the University level-up with you, the higher your level, the higher the quality of the dagger and the stronger the enchantment.

At level 2 the NPC mages will have an iron dagger and around level 6 they will start carrying dwarven daggers. Since you may not steal or kill your fellow mages you have to trick the gaurds outside of the gates to assist you. Simply walk up to any of the guards and attack them. When the guards ask you to surrender select "resist arrest".There will be two guards outside, so you need to make sure to get both of them to follow you. Once you have them in tow, run into the academy and wait for your fellow mages to assist you in killing the guards. As the battles go, the gaurds will usually win and kill all of the mages. If this is the case, you need to finish the guards off yourself. Afterwards, simply loot the bodies.The main thing is you did not kill your fellow mages, so you won't be blamed for their deaths.After the first time you do this you will trigger the gaurds and mages to hate each other forever. After hunting in a dungeon or doing a quest, check-in on the guild to see if any new guards or mages are lying around dead.While the mages increase their level as you do, the guards do not, after a while the gaurds won't stand a chance against the mages. To solve this, wait until morning when the captain of the guard is inspecting the courtyard of the guild. Get him as well as the two guards to follow you into the guild; the three of them tend to be a match for the higher level mages.Lastly, if the guard only attacks you and won't attack the mages, use an invisibility spell and he will switch targets.

After clearing out one of the many dungeons in Oblivion, you may wish to carry out more valuable loot, items, armor and weapons than your current level of Encumbrance will allow. If you're able to, you can cast spells that will temporarily raise the amount you can carry, but if that's not an option for you, a simple potion of feather can be very helpful in a pinch.

Clear out all the enemies, taking note of where all the highly valuable (and sometimes heavy) items you're going to want to carry out with you are. Next, load up as much as you can carry, and drink your feather potion. This will temporarily raise your Encumbrance. Now, quickly run around and grab the other items you want to take. Get outside the dungeon before your potion runs out, and fast-travel wherever you wish.

I usually fast-travel just inside the gate to the Market District of the Imperial City, where I temporarily drop whatever I can't carry, then run right around the corner to the various shops. I sell everything I don't want to keep, then I return to the gate and pick up the things I dropped. It's a great way to make large sums of cash fairly quickly.

Go to the Arcane University's Praxographical Center (northeast corner) and create a spell that does Bound Dagger for one second on self. You can repeatedly use this spell to raise your Conjuration skill above level 25, a level you'll need to achieve in order to get the free weightless Daedric weapons.Once your Conjuration is at level 25 or higher, make a new spell that will cast Bound Dagger and Bound "whatever weapon you want." (If you don't see the option to create a spell that does anything other than Bound Dagger, you'll need to make sure that you can actually cast the other bound weapon spell. If you can't, raise your Conjuration skill even higher.) Make sure that you add the Bound Dagger effect first, then add the second bound weapon effect. Set both effects for a duration of one second.Cast the spell you've just created and wait for the sound of weapons equipping. Immediately go to your menu and you'll see that the second bound weapon appears in your inventory. Simply drop the weapon and you can then pick it up to keep forever. The weapon has no sell value but it's weightless and pretty powerful. This bug can be repeated as many times as you like, giving you access to an infinite number of Daedric weapons.

The gates generate a random plane of oblivion along with a random sigil stone. Go through the tower all the way to the top, till you reach the sigil stone. Simply save the game before the stone spawns and you can re-randomize the stone by re-loading the game, if it's not to your liking.

Bethesda's "The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion" game allows you to assume the role of a heroic adventurer in a massive fantasy world. In the game, a character's maximum carry weight refers to the total weight they may store in their inventory while travelling, without becoming over encumbered. Since the maximum carry weight is derived from a character's basic statistics, changing them using the game's console will give your character a higher maximum carry weight.

Open the "Oblivion" installation directory on your hard drive. By default, it installs to the "Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion" folder. Open the "oblivion.ini" file in a text editor such as Notepad.

Calculate the character's current maximum carry weight. Open the character's overview menu (default key "Tab") and note the character's "Strength" statistic. The maximum weight the character can carry equals five times the Strength number. Likewise, to determine how much to increase Strength, divide the desired maximum carry weight by five.

Press the "" key to open the console. Type "player.setav Strength" followed by a new number for the character's total Strength score. Press "Enter" to make the changes and "" to close the console. The character's carry weight will increase--or decrease--based on the input for the new Strength total. Note that changing the character's Strength will also alter his melee damage and maximum fatigue.

While Strength is the primary attribute used in calculating carry weight, the character's armour proficiency also affects encumbrance. A higher proficiency makes equipped armour weigh less, and increases maximum carry weight. You can change armour proficiency just as you did Strength, using the "player.setav" command followed by either "HeavyArmor" or "LightArmor."

Oblivion fans, I need help with something, guys. Do you remember that in Oblivion, if you carry just 0.1 above your max carry weight, you literally stop moving? Is there anyway(editing ini file or a mod) that forces me to walk rather than stop completely(basically like Skyrim)? I tried More Realistic Encumbrance and Realistic Fatigue but I don't like them.

To enable the console, make sure the bAllowConsole is set to 1 in your oblivion.ini file. If it's not there, you can add it in the [Interface] section. The console can then be accessed in-game by toggling the 'tilde key' (the actual key can be , º, , ,^, \, , etc.. depending on your keyboard layout), found near the "1" key on most keyboards. The console prompt will appear in the lower left-hand corner of your screen. You can scroll the console output using the "Page Up" and "Page Down" keys. The console is not case sensitive: entering any of "tdt" or "TDT" or "TdT" will toggle the debugging text.

Note: If you are running Oblivion on Windows XP Media Center Edition or Windows Vista, and an infrared remote receiver is plugged in (note that many laptops have this built in), your console may not function properly. In order to restore its functionality, unplug the receiver for your Media Center Remote (or if it's built in use the device manager to disable or uninstall "ITECIR Infrared Receiver" from "Human Interface Devices"). This will allow you to use the console, as the receiver interferes with Oblivion's programming. Additionally, a built-in infrared receiver on laptops can cause the same issue and disabling it in the Device Manager has proven to fix the console function. Alternatively, a Ring of Console mod has been created to circumvent this problem. You can also use Change Console Key mod (requires OBSE and latest oblivion patch) to change the key or use Oblivion Console Spell (requires OBSE) to open the console. Using either of these will avoid any difficulties that the Ring of Console may have saving the game while toggling menus.

In many ways, SkyUI makes Skyrim's menu and inventory screens much more like Oblivion's, with sortable columns, tabs for each type of item, and even lightweight filtering systems. SkyUI makes Skyrim much easier to play for PC players, but console players should avoid it as it's nigh-impossible to navigate with a gamepad. 2ff7e9595c

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