Indentation and scratch in micro- and nano-scale are the most commonly used techniques for quantifying thin film and systems properties. Among them are different failure modes such as deformation, friction, fracture toughness, fatigue. Failure modes can be activated either by a cycle of indentation or by scratching of the samples to provide an estimation of the fracture toughness and interfacial fracture energies. In the present study, we report on the failure and fracture modes in two cases of engineering materials; that is transparent SiOx thin films onto poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) membranes and glass-ceramic materials. The SiOx/PET system meets the demands regarding scratch-resistance, wettability, biocompatibility, gas transmission, or friction, while maintaining the bulk characteristics of PET (such as easy processing, good mechanical properties, reasonably low permeability to oxygen and carbon dioxide gases (barrier properties), and good chemical coupling with antibacterial coatings). Glass-ceramic materials, since their first accidental production in the mid fifties by S.D. Stookey, have been used in a vast area of applications, from household cooktops and stoves, to missile nose cones and mirror mounts of orbital telescopes and from decorative wall coverings to medical applications. The fracture modes, namely transgranular and intergranular modes in glass-ceramic materials have paid less attention in literature comparing with ceramic materials. In the former case the crack paves its way irrespectively of the direction of the grain boundaries, i.e., the interfaces between the different phases. In the latter case the crack preferentially follows them, i.e., debonds the interfaces.
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